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Muse No. 4: Tique from Chandler Honey

Meet Tique from Chandler Honey, the most delicious honey that's raw, creamed, and infused with fun flavours like orange, pineapple, mocha, there's even a Créme Brûlée flavour. Delish! ⁠

Our team is full of foodies who are obsessed with CH, so we sat down with Tique to learn where her inspiration comes from, what her days look like, and advice for starting a business. ⁠


What inspired you to start Chandler Honey?

I grew up on a bee farm and was always surrounded by bees and honey as a kid. I always knew that honey is so magical, and yet it's often sold as a ‘boring staple product’ on shelves. In reality, it is such a special food that humans have been eating for thousands of years! I started Chandler Honey to put a twist on traditional honey, and infuse some of the ‘magical’ element back into it to make a product that makes people happy.

I also think the honey from my parents’ farm is the most delicious in the world (and I’ve tried a lot!). I only craft my infused honey products with honey from their farm that they still own and operate today, and that family pride that has made Chandler Honey such a dream to me. 


What does a typical day look like?

Every day as an entrepreneur looks so incredibly different, but I try to keep as much structure as possible. In the early mornings, I walk my dog, eat breakfast, drink tea, and usually post on Instagram for Chandler Honey. I am lucky to live a 10 minute walk away from my production space, and I get in for 9am. 

For the rest of the morning, I try to pack in all of my computer work. I do sales outreach, create orders and invoices, have Zoom meetings, create marketing collateral, order inventory, and check in with customers. 

In the afternoons, I try to get my hands sticky and get some physical work done. I put my hairnet on, zest lemons, scrape vanilla beans, pour jars of honey, label, and stock shelves. Canada Post comes most days at 4pm, so I’ve got to write all my notes and get all my orders packed before then. I hope that I never get so busy with computer work that I have to forgo the physical work, even as my team grows - I love keeping a close connection with my product, customers, and heart of the business. I feel so grateful to have so much variety in my tasks every day!

Oh, and I’ve always got a cup of tea with honey in my hand. Everything else can change from day to day, but the tea is always the constant :P 


What is your favourite part of your day?

I always dreamed of being an entrepreneur, and having my own beautiful production space is a daily ‘pinch me’ moment.

My favourite part of the day is, as corny as it sounds, being the first one into the office and turning on all the lights, starting up the music, and putting the kettle on. I also like the last moment of the day, where I’m alone in the office doing a final mop, reflecting on how lucky I am to be living out my dream life that I’ve created. 


Any advice for others who want to start a small business?

My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is that there is never a 'right' time to start a business; you just have to take the leap! Everything is figure-out-able along the way. To women in particular, I would urge you to be bold, be your own biggest advocate, and trust that most often the scary things are the most worth doing.


Check out Chandler Honey's wonderful and tasty honey at


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